50个Process Analysis Essay 的重要主题

如果你曾经阅读过说明手册或编写了一组说明,那么你可能对Process analysis writing很熟悉。

这种形式的组合通常用于技术写作领域,以逻辑和客观地解释复杂系统的过程。今天我们一起看看50个Process Analysis Essay


什么是Process Analysis Writing?

Process analysis writing涉及一套全面的说明,这些说明从头到尾解释了一个流程。 为了成功撰写过程分析文章,作者必须在撰写之前认真分析他们选择用来描述和确定最合理的信息传递方式的过程的每个步骤。 在解释如此详细的过程时,需要专业知识,这可以通过第一手经验或透彻研究获得。

过程分析文章的主题应尽可能具体,并且至关重要的是文章的语气要清晰直接。 在编写过程分析论文时,作者的主要目标应该是使过程易于遵循。 以下是一些技巧,可以帮助你实现这一目标。

撰写Process Analysis Essay的提示


  • 包括所有步骤,并按时间顺序排列它们。

  • 说明为什么每个步骤都是必要的,并在适当时包括警告。

  • 定义任何读者可能不熟悉的术语。

  • 提供任何所需工具或材料的清晰说明。

  • 为你的读者提供一种衡量完成过程是否成功的方法。

50个Process Analysis Essay Topics

作家将可以更轻松地编写过程分析文章,并按照上述准则熟悉他们的主题。 首先,选择一个你喜欢写的主题并且知道自己可以很好地解释。 这些提示提供了可能的过程分析文章主题,以帮助你入门。

  1. How to mow your lawn

  2. How to win a game of Texas hold ’em poker

  3. How to lose weight without losing your mind

  4. How to find the perfect roommate

  5. How to get rid of a roommate—without committing a crime

  6. How to achieve academic success in college

  7. How to pitch a knuckleball in baseball

  8. How to plan the perfect party

  9. How to survive a night of babysitting

  10. How to pitch a tent in the rain

  11. How to housebreak your dog

  12. How to kick a bad habit

  13. How to overcome insomnia

  14. How to stay sober on a Saturday night

  15. How to rent your first apartment

  16. How to avoid a nervous breakdown during exams

  17. How to enjoy the weekend for less than $20

  18. How to make the perfect brownies

  19. How to keep resolve arguments with your spouse

  20. How to bathe a cat

  21. How to get what you want through complaining

  22. How to survive a recession

  23. How to toilet train a baby

  24. How to gain self-confidence

  25. How to use Twitter sensibly and effectively

  26. How to wash a sweater

  27. How to remove stubborn stains

  28. How to build successful relationships with instructors

  29. How to give yourself a haircut

  30. How to plan the perfect class schedule

  31. How to apply the Heimlich maneuver

  32. How to end a relationship

  33. How to make a flaky pie crust

  34. How to take the best photographs with a smartphone camera

  35. How to quit smoking

  36. How to get around without a car

  37. How to make the perfect cup of coffee or tea

  38. How to maintain an eco-friendly and affordable lifestyle

  39. How to build a great sandcastle

  40. How to edit a video

  41. How to build and maintain a stable friendship

  42. How to insert contact lenses

  43. How to write a great exam

  44. How to teach responsibility to a child

  45. How to groom your dog

  46. How ice cream is made

  47. How a cell phone takes pictures

  48. How a magician saws a woman in half

  49. How solar panels work

  50. How to choose a major in college

以上是Process Analysis Essay 的50个重要主题,更多论文写作关注私聊小编。

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